The Role of Pool Enclosures in Child Safety

swimming pool childKeeping children safe is always a top priority, and this becomes especially true in homes that have a backyard pool. While pools offer enviable relaxation and escape from the heat, they also present the need for extra safety precautions if children live in the home or frequently visit.

The months of May through August witness the highest number of pool-related drowning, although in sunny southern states this risk remains nearly all year long. Children under the age of five pose an even higher danger around pools because they have yet to develop a natural sense of caution and are also curious around water. Without the proper safeguards in place, children can fall into grave danger around swimming pools.

How Can Pool Enclosures Help?

Pool enclosures come in a variety of forms including screen structures, fences, and gates. Any type of barrier is better than nothing, but ultimately every pool owner should install strategic pool perimeter barriers that are greater than five feet tall and non-climbable. If a fence is used with slats, the gaps shouldn’t be any more than four inches wide in order to prevent a small child from squeezing through. Gates need to be kept closed and should automatically latch when shut.

The best barrier is an aluminum screen structure that completely encloses the pool and makes it impossible for sneaky and curious children to wind up in trouble. These screen rooms connect to back of the home for interior entrance, and any doors allowing outdoor entrance should be kept locked when children are in the area.

Of course, caregiver supervision is vital during swimming times. Drowning fatalities and injuries are very avoidable summertime traumas. A backyard pool should be a place for excitement and relaxation, not worry and stress. The proper pool barriers can ensure safety for all children.