Stay Safe in the Warmer Months with the Help of a Pool Enclosure

screen-room-2If you are like most pool owners, keeping your family safe while enjoying your swimming pool is of the utmost importance. Of course, pools offer a lot of opportunity for fitness and fun, but are often accompanied by a variety of unique problems; and an enclosure is a great way to combat some of the dangers and annoyances most commonly associated with owning one.

It’s remarkably easy to stay safe by simply adding a pool enclosure to your property. Here are just some of the many ways an enclosure can protect your loved ones this summer.

5 Ways Pool Enclosures Can Help Keep You Safe

1)      1) Keep Critters Out – Insects, snakes, and other pests are not something you want to find inside your home or in your pool. A pool enclosure serves as a barrier between you and Mother Nature, and helps to keep out dangerous wild animals and biting insects.

2)      2) Reduces UV Rays– Enclosures also help block some of the sun’s natural light, while still creating an airy, inviting outdoor space. Putting up a pool enclosure creates a barrier from the harsh summer sun and will help keep cancer-causing UV rays from reaching your family.

3)      3) Reduces Accidents – Many accidents occur when a child uses the pool without adult supervision. If your pool is properly secured by an enclosure, you won’t have to worry about your children accidentally falling into the pool when playing on the lawn. It will also help to ensure the dog doesn’t jump into the pool too!

4)      4) Increased Privacy – The increased privacy you gain from building a pool enclosure on your property is an important factor in keeping your family safe. It serves as an extension of your home, and helps keep prying eyes away from your property. It’s also a powerful deterrent, as it presents one more obstacle that an opportunist criminal would need to get through in order to access your home.

5)      5) Less Maintenance – If you don’t want to strain yourself with the task of keeping your pool free of debris, a pool enclosure is perfect for you. It cuts down on the amount of algae, leaves, and other natural debris from falling in your pool, which means you won’t have to exert as much time and energy keeping your pool clean.

Discuss Your Pool Enclosure with an Expert

If you’re interested in finding out more about the benefits of having a pool enclosure, talk to ARM Aluminum today at 813 684 8800.